Symvopath ensures that every patient at every location receives a correct diagnosis from proven experts without delay for the best possible individual therapy.
Clinical pathology is one of the most important interfaces for the correct diagnosis and therapy planning of many diseases. Particularly in the case of cancer, the histopathological assessment determines a life-changing diagnosis for the patient and high therapy costs for the health care system. With the increase in therapy options, the complexity of pathological diagnoses is also increasing, which can often only be made correctly by experts with the corresponding subspecialisation. On the other hand, there is already a shortage of experienced pathologists, which will increase significantly in the coming years due to demographic change.

Symvopath helps with this serious care problem by taking advantage of the increasing digitalisation in pathology and providing a virtual space in which complex diagnostic cases can be presented and processed within a web application, independent of location and time. Pathologists present a diagnostic case with scanned tissue sections and clinical information on the Symvopath web platform. In the next step, experts with the corresponding sub-specialisation examine the case within the web platform and prepare a histopathological report.